Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Do the Celebrities often get it right? They don't always!

Famous people do a lot of things that only normal people can dream of. They also get to wear some of the finest clothes and wear the nicest perscription glasses. To add to it, they eat in nice restaurants and fly first class all over the world. I write about celebrity culture and fashion, and follow the trends in the industry. This post will reveal some of the trends that the celebrities are on top of, and who is doing it right!

Lady GaGa loves Alexander McQueen and has been wearing lots of it recently. The designer passed away recently and since then, his gowns have become a favourite with Lady GaGa. A lot of the peices she wears are amazing and original, but some of the other pieces are not. She has been wearing shoes that resemble horse hoofs, and they don't look good. She has a strong personality but still cannot pull off some of these looks. The dress made of meat was not tasteful (or tasty) and did not show her good side.

Kate Moss has lately been spotted in sunglasses that really add to her appeal. She is a style icon and is known for her relationship with Pete Doherty. By wearing glasses, she has managed to improve her look. HEr signature skinny jeans put attention on her long legs and she always gets it right. She knows how to deal with the press and eyes that are always on her.

Although generallly well dressed, Rihanna was seen in a Gucci dress that was at least a size too small. Rihanna is a strong individual and is used to people talking about her. This has not stopped her from wearing some unusual clothes over the last few months. Will ehr style remain so extreme or will she reign it back in? Time will tell us how she develops.

Do you agree? Share your views on the topic on Twitter with 

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The best tool to make the most of Twitter.

You can get more followers on Twitter easily. You don't need to spend money or install robots on your computer to do it for you.. I know some simple ways to grow your follow base naturally, and encourage quality users. Poor quality users that you can gain through methods such as 'followback' and auto-adders can leave your feed full of spam and unwanted comments. The goal is to have a group on people who see you as a source of trust, and understand they can expect you to give them strong content.

You should aim to keep on top of interesting topics and share them with the people who follow you. You should provide a summary of your topic to your followers, and strong content should be offered that people can rely on. Just provide your list of followers with a digest of the news and stories in your industry, and give them content they enjoy reading. RTing is a valuable trick. Retweeting is a powerful tool. Retweeting comments by other people will get you attention, you might get your stuff retweeted back as a favour. Ensure your tweets are to a high standard, and are neat.

You should make sure your tweets are tidy and written well. Don't use too much slang and always use correct grammar. You can use a Twitter URL Shortener to make your links look tidy. Hash tags group posts into a stream, so you can find all entries around that topic in the same place. Good content in your posts will get your noticed and make sure it's a shortened link in your tweet so people recognise you have put effort into your posts. 

Good posts into the right hadh tags will get you noticed in the field and people will start to follow you. Hash tags dictate a theme of conversation, which is grouped into one place for people to view. For example you might use #Twitter to talk about Twitter or #funnyjokes to share something you find funny.